Académicos / Claustro / Stephen Darwin / UAH

Académicos / Claustro /

Stephen Darwin / UAH

Doctor en Filosofía, Educación Superior, The Australian National University, Australia.


LÍNEA DE INVESTIGACIÓN: Educación superior, trabajo y trayectorias juveniles.

CARGO ACTUAL: Profesor Asociado, Departamento de Inglés, Facultad de Educación, Universidad Alberto Hurtado.

GRADOS ACADÉMICOS: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Higher Education, The Australian National University Master of Education, Queensland University of Technology, Australia Graduate Certificate in Instructional Design, Deakin University, Australia. Bachelor of Arts (Humanities), Griffith University, Australia.

TEMAS DE INTERÉS: Aprendizaje en la educación postobligatoria (incluida la educación superior y técnico-vocacional), evaluación de los estudiantes, diseño de aprendizaje de la formación docente, transiciones de la escuela a la educación superior, métodos de investigación educativa.

2023: Darwin, S., & Barahona, M. Globalising or assimilating? Exploring the contemporary function of regionalised global university rankings in Latin America. Higher Education.

2023: Barahona, M., David, V., Gallegos, F., Reyes, J., Ibaceta-Quijanes, X., & Darwin, S. Analysing preservice teachers’ enactment of the UDL framework to support diverse students in a remote teaching context. System, 114, 103027.

2022: Darwin, S. More ideational than material: Exploring the contemporary role of student voices in Chilean universities. Education Policy Analysis Archives. Vol.30, no.69.

2022: Guzmán-Valenzuela, C., Darwin, S., Flanagan, A., Aguilera-Muñoz, A., & Geldres, A. (Un)Limited choice: analysing the strategic choices of first-in-generation students in neoliberal higher education. British Journal of Sociology of Education, Vol.43, No.6, 43:6, 930-949.

2021: Darwin, S., & Barahona, M. Making research (more) real for future teachers: a classroom-based research model for initial teacher education. Educational Action Research.

2021: Barahona, M., & Darwin, S. Exploring tensions in integrating core practices into initial EFL teacher education programs in the Chilean context. Language Teaching Research.

2020: Darwin, S. From the local fringe to market centre: analysing the transforming social function of student ratings in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 1–13.

2020: Darwin, S. The changing topography of student evaluation in higher education: mapping the contemporary terrain. Higher Education Research & Development.

2019: Darwin, S., & Barahona, M. Can an outsider become an insider? Analysing the effect of action research in initial EFL teacher education programs. Educational Action Research, 27(5), 709–725.

2017: Darwin S. What work is student evaluation actually doing in contemporary higher education? Studies in Educational Evaluation. Vol. 54, September 2017

2016: Darwin, S. The emergence of contesting motives for student feedback-based evaluation in Australian higher education. Higher Education Research & Development, Vol.35, No.3, pp.419-432.

2012: Darwin, S. Moving beyond face value: re-envisioning higher education evaluation as a generator of professional knowledge. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, Vol.37 No.6.

2011: Darwin, S. Learning in Activity: Exploring the methodological potential of Action Research in Activity Theorising of Social Practice. Educational Action Research, Vol.19, No.2.

2007: Darwin, S. The changing contexts of vocational education: implications for institutional vocational learning. International Journal of Training Research, Vol.5, No.1.

2016: Darwin, S. Student Evaluation—Reconceptualising the Student Voice. Springer Publications: Amsterdam. ISBN 978-3-319-41893-3

2023: Darwin, S. Book Review: Professional development through teacher research: stories from language teacher educators, D.L. Banegas, E. Edwards, L.S.V. de Castro (Eds.), Multilingual Matters (2022). System, 113, 102997.

2018: Darwin, S., Abrahams, M., Jaramillo, C. & Villa, S. Explorando las Prácticas de Aula de los Profesores de Inglés de 5º y 6º Básico de la Región Metropolitana. Cuaderno de Educación. No. 80, Universidad Alberto Hurtado.

2015: Darwin, S. Chile: Is it the end of the road for for-profit post-secondary education? Observatory on Borderless Higher Education. 

2015: Darwin, S. & Archer, W. International Postgraduate Research Students: The UK’s Competitive Advantage. Report for Universities UK. Tribal Group: London.

2015: Darwin, S. & Archer, W. International Postgraduate Taught Students: The UK’s Competitive Advantage. Report for Universities UK. Tribal Group: London.

2015: Darwin, S. & Archer, W. International Undergraduate Taught Students: The UK’s Competitive Advantage. Report for Universities UK. Tribal Group: London.

2013: Darwin, S., Corbel, C., Forward, P. & Wheelahan, L. Building Future Capabilities for Vocational Education: Why high-level teaching qualifications matter for TAFE teachers. Australian Education Union, Southbank.

2010: Darwin, S. Pathways of good intentions? The Australian TAFE Teacher, Vol. 44, No. 3., Spring 2010.

2004: Darwin, S. Transforming VET Teaching: from a training to learning paradigm.  Australian Journal of Vocational Education and Training in Schools, Vol.5 2004-2005

2014: Darwin, S. Australian students are now set to pay more for less. The Guardian (May 19).

2012: Darwin, S. Why cuts are damaging ANU’s reputation. Canberra Times (May 17).

2008: Darwin, S. The transformation of the Chinese Vocational Education System. Campus Review, Vol. 18 No. 25 (June 24)

2007: Darwin, S. The VET factory: how much industry is too much? Campus Review, Vol. 17 No.46 (November 20)

2007: Darwin, S. Time for a Real Debate. Campus Review, Vol. 17 No.33, (August 21)

2022-2025. Núcleo Milenio en Ciencias Sociales, Experiencias de los Estudiantes de la Educación superior en Chile: ¿Por qué y para qué? Investigador adjunto

2021–2025. ANID FONDECYT Regular, Proyecto No.1210867, Investigating the Development of Professional Pedagogical Responsibility of English Language Student Teachers.


2021–2024. ANID FONDECYT Regular, Proyecto No.1217039, University Rankings from a Chilean perspective: analysing their design, contemporary effect and potential alternatives. Investigador principal.

2018 – 2021: Núcleo Milenio en Ciencias Sociales. Experiencias de los Estudiantes de la Educación superior en Chile: ¿Por qué y para qué?.

2017 – 2020: FONDECYT de Iniciación en Investigación. Proyecto No.11170314 Strengthening student evaluative feedback as a catalyst for improving the quality of teaching and learning in Chilean universities. Investigador Principal