Académicos / Claustro /
Doctor en Educación, Universidad de California, Berkeley.
LÍNEAs DE INVESTIGACIÓN: Liderazgo, docentes y aprendizajes
CARGO ACTUAL: Profesor Asistente Universidad Alberto Hurtado
GRADOS ACADÉMICOS: Doctor en Educación y Master en Políticas y Organizaciones Educacionales, Universidad de California, Berkeley. Master en Teología, Boston College. Licenciado en Teología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Sociólogo, Universidad Alberto Hurtado.
TEMAS DE INTERÉS: Políticas docentes, inclusión escolar, Liderazgo escolar y Educación católica escolar
2021: Madero, C. Catholic Schooling in Chile: The Need for Rebuilding Spiritual Capital Within the Rules of the Market Culture. In White, S. (Ed.), New Thinking, New Scholarship and New Research in Catholic Education: Responses to the Work of Professor Gerald Grace, London, Routledge.
2021: Madero, C. Teaching in Jesuit Schools from 1950 to 2017: Changes in Composition and Meaning. In J. García-Huidobro (Ed.), Jesuit Education at the Crossroads. Discussions on Contemporary Jesuit Primary and Secondary Schools in North and Latin America, New Jersey, Lexington Books.
2021: Madero, Cristóbal. Catholic school presence in Latin America: Walking heterogenous paths. International Studies in Catholic Education, 13(1), 7–34.
2021: Grace, G., & Madero, Cristóbal. International Catholic Education Studies: Celebrating the partnership between the UK and Latin America in developing the field. International Studies in Catholic Education, 13(1), 1–6.
2021: Madero, C., Portales, J. & Verocai, A.Exclusión educativa. Hacia un sistema de protección de trayectorias educativas en Chile: aprendiendo del caso uruguayo. Serie Investigación en Educación. Número Especial. Facultad de Educación Universidad Alberto Hurtado.
2021: Madero, C. Because I´m called: How a calling to teacher emerges and develops in teachers working in Catholic high schools. Teaching and Teacher Education. 101(1)(WOS)
2021: Madero,C. Empow ering Teachers to Build a Better World: How Six Nations Support Teachers for 21st Century Education by Fernando Reimers (review), Compartaive Education Review 65(1) (WOS).
2020: Madero, C. Professionalizing Teachers and Teaching Amid the Pandemic in Chile. Berkeley Review of Education 10(1).
2020: Madero,C. Teachers and meaning. Consistency among those teaching in Jesuit high schools across the Americas. British Journal of Religious Education
2020: Figuereido, A., Madero, C., & Cano, D. The impact of a multicultural exchange between indigenous and non-indigenous history teachers for students’ attitudes: Preliminary evidence from a pilot study in Chile. Multicultural Education Review.
2020: Madero, C. (2020). Libertad, autonomía, y accountability en la escuela Católica en Chile, in Contemporary Issues Facing Catholic Schools [Special Issue], Educatio Catholica VI(1).
2020: Madero,C., E. Vargas and F. Reimers (2020), Chile: Fundación Súmate – Red de Escuelas de Segunda Oportunidad (Súmate Foundation – Second chance schools network), Education continuity stories series, OECD Publishing, Paris.
2020: Madero, C. (2020). A Calling to Teach: What the Literature on Callings Tells Us about Approaches to Research the Calling to the Teaching Profession. Religion & Education, online February 19. Scopus.
2019: Madero, C. (2019). Secondary Teachers’ Dissatisfaction with the Teaching Profession in Latin America: The Case of Brazil, Chile, and Mexico. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 25(3) (Web of Science)
2019: Madero, C. (2019). Liberal learning as a quest for purpose by William M. Sullivan (review), The Review of Higher Education 42(2), E10-E12. [book review] (Web of Science-ISI)
2018: Madero, C. (2018). Milton Friedman. How Responsible Is He? A required preamble to understand his influence in the Chilean educational system 1950 – 2010. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research 24(2), 172-188. (Scopus)
2018: Madero, C. (2018). New thinking about Catholic education from Latin America: What the bishops said at Medellin (1968), Puebla (1979), Santo Domingo (1992), Aparecida (2007). International Studies in Catholic Education 10(1), 30-43. (Scopus)
2018: Madero, C. (2018). 50 years of the Declaration on Christian Education Gravissimum Educationis: A review of its reception in Latin America. International Journal of Christianity & Education 22(1), 55-63. (Scopus)
2018: Mintrop, R., Ordenes, M., Coghlan, E., Pryor, L. & Madero, C. (2018). Teacher evaluation, pay for performance, and learning around Instruction: Between dissonant incentives and resonant procedures. Educational Administration Quarterly 54(1), 3-46. (Web of Science-ISI)
2017: Madero, C. (2017). Faith, mission and challenge in Catholic education: The selected works of Gerald Grace, International Studies in Catholic Education, 9(2), 239-241. [book review] (Scopus)
2015: Madero, C. (2015). Theological dynamics of Paulo Freire’s educational theory: An essay to assist the work of Catholic educators, International Studies of Catholic Education 7(2), 1-12. (Scopus)
2014: Madero, C. (2014). Getting teacher evaluation right: What really matters for effectiveness and improvement, by Linda Darling-Hammond, Pensamiento Educativo, 51(2), 165-167. [book review] (Scopus)
2013: Madero, I. & Madero, C. (2013). Between equity and differentiation: The paradoxical social function of education, International Journal of Sociology of Education 2(2), 193-214. (Web of Science-ESCI)
2012: Madero, C. & Madero, I. (2012). Elección escolar y selección estudiantil en el sistema escolar chileno. ¿Quién elige a quién? El caso de la educación católica, Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa 17(55), 1267-1295. (Scopus)
2020: Madero, C. (forthcoming 2020). La Docencia en los Colegios Jesuitas de 1950 a 2017: Cambios en su Composición y Sentido. En J. García-Huidobro (Ed.), Discussions on contemporary Jesuit K-12 education in the U.S. and Latin America: Addressing the recent past and promoting evidence-based considerations about the present, New Jersey, Lexington Books.
2020: Madero, C. (2020). Establecimientos escolares católicos en Chile: el presente de la vivencia religiosa, y el futuro de la transmisión de la Fe. En L. Bahamondes (Ed.), Religión y juventud: El impacto de los cambios socioculturales en los procesos de transmisión de la fe (pp. 143-167), Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado.
2019: Madero, C. (2019). Cambios en la educación escolar Católica Latinoamericana en los años del post Concilio Vaticano II. En P. Imbarack y C. Madero (Eds.), Educación Católica en América Latina: Un proyecto en marcha (pp. 47-69), Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile.
2019: Madero, C. (2019). Freire and religion: Myth, callings, liberation and communion. In C.A. Torres (Ed.), Wiley handbook of Paulo Freire (pp. 431-444), Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
2018: Mintrop, R., Órdenes, M., & Madero, C. Resolución de problemas para la mejora escolar: El enfoque del design development. En J. Weinstein y G. Muñoz (Eds.), ¿Cómo cultivar el liderazgo educativo? Trece miradas (pp. 323-350), Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales.
2021: Madero, Cristóbal. Catholic school presence in Latin America: Walking heterogenous paths. International Studies in Catholic Education, 13(1), 7–34.
2021: Grace, G., & Madero, Cristóbal. International Catholic Education Studies: Celebrating the partnership between the UK and Latin America in developing the field. International Studies in Catholic Education, 13(1), 1–6.
2020-2021: El sentido de la Nueva Educación Pública en directoras y directores transitando hacia Servicio Locales de Educación en Chile. Financiamiento: Center for Latin American Studies-University of California Berkeley. Co-investigador.
2020: Chile’s“Machuca” Students: Outcomes from their Educational Experiences (fase 2). Financiamiento: Luksic Family Collaboration Grant & Kellog Institute, University of Notre Dame. Co-investigador.
2019- : Chile´s “Machuca” Students: Outcomes from their Educational Experiences. Proyecto en asociación con University of Notre Dame y Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
2018 – : Cambio y Continuidad en la Escuela Jesuita en América Latina
2016 – : Aproximación de líderes educativos Chilenos a la solución de problemas de práctica escolar. Centro de Desarrollo de Liderazgo Educativo CEDLE.
2014 – 2017: Teacher Incentive Fund Research program. University of California, Berkeley.
2010 – 2013: Religión, Cultura, y Juventud en Chile. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
2021: Imbarack, Patricia, Madero, Cristobal (Eds.) Catholic Education in Latin America. An ongoing proyect. Springer International Publishing.
2019: Imbarack, P. & Madero, C. Educación Católica en Latinoamérica: Un proyecto en marcha. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile.